Tuesday, July 31, 2007

News - 'Ethical business' plan unveiled

The report follows criticism of the government's own record on business ethics. Economic strength and prosperity depend upon business' competitive success today and in the future," he said.

"Economic strength and prosperity depend upon business' competitive success today and in the future," he said.

"But companies are increasingly aware of their responsibilities to a wider set of stakeholders, and are beginning to realise that their own reputation and their licence to operate around the world depends on meeting these wider responsibilities."


Anonymous said...

One must always get worried when government officials, especially high ranking politicans, start talking about 'ethics'!
The day a Malaysian politican can explain to me how they educate all their children overseas at the best universities, enjoy frequent shopping trips to Paris and London, use the best overseas hospitals when they are sick, etc, etc. - all on a politican's salary, is the day I will take their talk about 'ethics' seriously!

Anonymous said...

Yeh, Business ethics is the art of applied ethics that examines ethical rules and principles within a commercial context which shoudl be consdired much it is the sensitive and the complicated issues. The demand for more ethical business processes and actions (known as ethicism) is increasing. The government should be more sensitive on these issues.

Nivin said...

It's good that you've brought up the topic of business ethics in your blog..Hope to hear more from you soon..Well done

nav said...

yeah i got to agree with you that business ethics is very important in nowadays world.And it is a great topic i hope to read more about this in your blog.

Anonymous said...


everyone have right to make any comments with his or her opinion.. but a general people and a member of parlament member comments or ethics should not be same...

in business ethics should consider as only profit or loss... nothings els..............
Mr Shah

Anonymous said...

nice topic that can infulence in many people 's mind. i hope that will be great idea !

Anonymous said...

Business ethics is very important when you do business and creating awareness about business ethics within an organization will help to create a good company image!

Anonymous said...

i like this topic.business ethics is to be considered in every step of one's life.as long as the government is concerned,they should be fair on these issues.

Anonymous said...
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Velu said...

Business ethics .. do we still encounter such term? i do agree with u that in order to sustain our economy strenght we have to maintain the balance between both world...........